Teens & Families!
Sorry there has been so much confusion about the Cedar Point trip.
We did originally say July 1st. However, some teens could not go then and we started looking at different dates. So for now we do not have a definite date. I will try to give everyone a good two week heads up before we go (if I can).
This week (6/29 thru 7-5/14) we have Tuesday’s Mass at 6:15 pm followed by Rosary for Life, Teen Adoration, and Teen Bible Study as scheduled.
Wednesday morning Kyle will have Ultimate Frisbee at 10:30 AM
Thursday there will not be a Summer Life due to fireworks and 4th of July family celebrations!
OK if you still have questions call me at 614-285-2741
Michael A. Barone
Director of Youth Ministry
St. Joan of Arc Catholic church
God bless your week!